
My heart-calling is "teacher," so I have a lot to say...with love, of course. Always, through a lens of LOVE!

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Educational Trauma Caused by Racism

Feb 02, 2021

I've learned to say my name first in introductions to avoid the awkward pause that comes from someone trying to pronounce my name. Now, this may be...

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Educational Trauma Black Students Face

Jan 31, 2021

Are we ready to discuss the Trauma caused by White Supremacy in Education?

Using a Curriculum that centers Whiteness is harmful. When are we going...

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What is Educational Trauma and How are we Causing it?

Jan 30, 2021
I always ask for an aisle seat when I fly.
Yes, I would prefer to look out the window. But, not as much as it gives me anxiety to ask...
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The One Word Every Ally Needs to Use

Jan 26, 2021

* A lot of uncomfortable conversations will be had over the next few weeks, at least *

As I consider my anticipation for the Inauguration, I also...

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The 2 word question I ask to Remove Bias

Jan 24, 2021
Note: These are real conversations with real children!!!!
The first statement (about Antifa): age 5; The 2nd statement: age 10; the third...
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How to talk to your kids about the Inauguration

Jan 21, 2021
*How to talk to your kids about the Inauguration**
This is a moment for them, too!
How to initiate conversations about this...
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Lesson Check: Teachable Moments from the Political Unrest in Washington

Jan 12, 2021
** Look for the Lesson**
One of the most powerful questions I have taught my students (and myself) during times of difficulty is "What is this...
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How to talk about the political unrest at the White House with students

Jan 07, 2021
I created the C.A.R.E. method when dealing with hard things when I was teaching in South Korea and the country was in mourning after many children...
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Ways to Date your Friends and Family

Jan 05, 2021

Everyone's Love Language includes Quality Time right now. Everyone.

(Even if we have yet to fully embrace it.)


Seriously, we are all craving...

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HELP! Online learning is affecting my child's physical health!

Jan 03, 2021

Constant screen time is not the ideal for any of us. 

Even when we, educators, try our best to make the learning experience engaging, there...

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