
My heart-calling is "teacher," so I have a lot to say...with love, of course. Always, through a lens of LOVE!

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This is Why we Cannot "Opt-Out" of Black History Month

Feb 21, 2021

"When you "Opt-Out" of anti-racist education, you are "opting-in" to racism."

Although I have read that after public backlash, this school in Utah...

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There is no "Opting out" - 1 minute read

Feb 20, 2021
"When you "Opt-Out" of anti-racist education, you are "opting-in" to racism."
I said this in a post discussing my frustration when a...
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Black REALstory Series: The Pullman Porters

Feb 18, 2021
Swag!!! Drip!!! Black Excellence!! All of that!! Seriously, the Pullman Porters were everything!!
You've seen them! They were in films...
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Claudette Colvin is as important as Rosa Parks

Feb 16, 2021
**Who really started the Montgomery Bus Boycotts?***
You've heard of Rosa Parks. Although Rosa Parks was incredible in her own right,...
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Black Realstory Series: Harriet Tubman had a Disability and more

Feb 14, 2021
Harriet Tubman was a force. Not only that, she was the family member you wanted, the friend you dreamed of, and the type of human we would all...
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Happy Douglass Day

Feb 13, 2021

Before Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, there was Frederick Douglass. He was the most famous Black American man of his time. (More famous than even...

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The History of the Black Cowboy

Feb 11, 2021
***Happy Black History Month***
I celebrate Black History year-round. But, I also honor the month of February as the official month of...
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Do you have a healthy friendship or trauma bond

Feb 09, 2021
Last Spring, while the world was still open and I was traveling, I asked Teens in each country I went to what they really wished schools taught...
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The Inspiring Conversation I had with My students about the Inauguration

Feb 07, 2021
I recently had a conversation about the inauguration with a group of teen students, that had some of us in tears.
You see, a lot of teens...
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Parenting Triggers: Why You are Angry with your Child

Feb 04, 2021
***Do you ever feel jealous of your child?***
Last week, my friends Genie,Nyota and I had conversations about experiences that parents...
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